Hi there, and welcome to our travel blog!

We’re Dyan and Rachael, a mother daughter team who love to road trip together - around the world and in our own backyard. A road trip is defined as - an extended journey in a motor vehicle. There are many reasons why we choose to road trip on our travels. Road tripping is a great way to cover a lot of countryside in a short amount of time; it gives you the freedom to get off the beaten track and discover hidden gems; and last, but not least, nothing quite beats heading off into the unknown, through spectacular scenery, with good road tripping vibes playing in the background. We don't just visit a destination, we find ways to explore unique opportunities and fully engage with the culture. If you are looking for inspiration, or planning your own road trip, we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel where we will be posting regular vlogs of our adventures.


Rachael, and I love to travel. We love that moment when we pass through customs, step onto the plane, and know our adventure has truly begun.  The sense of anticipation as we look forward to weeks of road tripping through amazing places, exploring new cultures, and meeting interesting people. We love it all!

Okay, so maybe not the long, uncomfortable hours spent squashed into economy seats with zero leg room. Standing at the luggage carousel and watching everyone’s bag come out except for yours (what is it with Spain and loosing luggage). Or the 3 days of jet lag that send your body clock spinning out of whack. But aside from these minor inconveniences, we truly do love it all. 

When it comes to traveling with friends or family, picking your travel partner can make or break a trip. There are many reasons why Rachael and I make such great traveling companions: We have similar ideas of what is fun or relaxing, so right from the get-go - planning our vacation, we are already on the same page. We also have similar communication styles, are open to new cultural experiences, and are both problem solvers rather than complainers. Because let’s face it, when you travel, things are going to go sideways. Luggage will get lost, flights will be delayed, itineraries will have to be adjusted. Traveling with someone who is willing to go with the flow takes a huge amount of stress out of an already stressful situation.

We also have different weaknesses and strengths and are happy to allow one another to step into the leading role as the situation demands. Rachael is a master at map reading and navigating public transportation (not one of my strengths), and I happily trail in her wake as she forges her way through airports and train stations. I am the planner. I book hotels, plan routes, and maximize every day that we have at our disposal. Together we make an amazing traveling team. My hope for you, is that you will be inspired by our adventures to find your own travel companion and get out there to explore the amazing world that we live in. 

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